Judge Berger to Participate in WBAI CLE on Coronavirus-related Family Law Issues - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. Helaine L. Berger, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, will be a panelist on a CLE webinar hosted by the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois’s Domestic Relations Division regarding the effects of COVID-19 on numerous family law issues.

The CLE webinar is scheduled for July 9, 2020 at 12:00 PM via Zoom. Judge Berger will be joined on the panel by practicing family law attorneys and Hon. Debra B. Walker of the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Domestic Relations Division.

To learn more about the CLE webinar, click here.

Hon. Helaine L. Berger, (Ret.) is an experienced civil litigator who tried cases in Criminal, Chancery, Law and Domestic Relations before serving as a judge in Cook County’s Domestic Relations Division for 19 years.  Judge Berger has been active in the legal community, including Chair of the CBA’s Fee Committee and President of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois.  She is now a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems where she concentrates in family law.  Judge Berger is flexible and creative in her approach to mediation and has helped ADR Systems launch an innovative fast track mediation program for family law cases.

View Judge Berger’s Full Bio.

Check Judge Berger’s Availability

ADR Systems, It’s Settled®

Judge F. Keith Brown did a great job settling a very tough, complicated multi-party case that involved both personal injury and commercial matters.  ADR Systems is our first and best choice for alternative dispute resolution.  This is because of the quality and effectiveness of their neutrals, and the terrific service supplied by their staff.

Glen Amundsen, Esq.Chairman - Executive Committee, SmithAmundsen, LLC