How should I prepare for a remote session with ADR Systems? - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Little about the mediation or arbitration process changes when a session is conducted via remote options instead of in person; our case managers, administrative staff and neutrals work with you and your client in much the same way. That being said, attorneys should follow a short checklist to confirm they and their clients are ready for a remote mediation or arbitration. Provided below are resources and articles you can reference to help you prepare for your remote mediation or arbitration at ADR Systems:

Resource: Your Technology Guide to Remote ADR Sessions

Article: Are You Prepare for Remote Dispute Resolution?

Article: Three Questions to Ask Before a Remote Mediation

Our law firm handles only medical malpractice cases—a type of case that is very difficult to settle except by mediators who understand the complex emotions involved and what is at risk when such cases go to trial.  I trust ADR Systems' panel of mediators.  They have settled cases I truly thought incapable of settlement. I highly recommend them.

William A. Cirignani, Esq.Cirignani, Heller & Harman, The Medical Malpractice Lawyers