Are arbitrators allowed to issue subpoenas? - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Arbitrators or anyone authorized by law may issue subpoenas. Parties are responsible for the drafting of the subpoena, service and enforcement. To see a template for a subpoena to use in an arbitration, click here.

"Judge Hanlon was an amazing mediator! While I have known her for years, I have never appeared in front of her or mediated a case with her. During a 10-hour mediation with her, I marveled at how hard she worked to get this case settled, and, more importantly, how great she communicated with my clients. She was calm, measured, reassuring, and so incredibly knowledgeable on the facts and mediation tactics. Judge Hanlon will always be on the top of my list for future mediations."

Richard I. Levin, Esq.Levin, Riback & Adelman