How should I prepare for a remote session with ADR Systems? - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Little about the mediation or arbitration process changes when a session is conducted via remote options instead of in person; our case managers, administrative staff and neutrals work with you and your client in much the same way. That being said, attorneys should follow a short checklist to confirm they and their clients are ready for a remote mediation or arbitration. Provided below are resources and articles you can reference to help you prepare for your remote mediation or arbitration at ADR Systems:

Resource: Your Technology Guide to Remote ADR Sessions

Article: Are You Prepare for Remote Dispute Resolution?

Article: Three Questions to Ask Before a Remote Mediation

Judge Burke mediated a settlement in a matter where the parties were extremely far apart, with almost no common ground.  He pushed both sides to rethink their positions, outlined a post-conference approach and made himself available on short notice.  I do not believe anyone else could have settled the matter.  He will be my first choice for future mediations.

Lisa M. Lilly, Esq.Lisa M. Lilly Law