What do I do if I cannot hear or see anyone once I’m on the videoconference? - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


If parties experience audio/visual issues when they access an ADR Systems Zoom videoconference, their neutral or an ADR Systems staff person will be on hand to help them troubleshoot the issue. For more information, see section three, Troubleshoot Technology Issues, of our free client resource, Your Technology Guide to Remote ADR Sessions.

Judge Burke successfully mediated a complicated case with little chance of being resolved.  He read every word of the parties' submissions, asked astute questions, and worked hard to find a path to resolution.  Judge Burke communicated with the parties themselves - so that they felt they were important participants in working toward resolution. The case I thought was never going to settle, settled.

Robert W. Smyth, Jr., Esq.Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth