ADR Systems Celebrates American Bar Association Mediation Week 2019 - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


ADR Systems, one of the leading dispute resolution providers in the Chicago area, is excited to celebrate American Bar Association (ABA) Mediation Week 2019.

According to the ABA, Mediation Week celebrates the strides made in institutionalizing mediation as one of several appropriate dispute resolution processes.

Litigation can often be costly, time-consuming and frustrating to the parties involved. Mediation allows the parties more control over the process, and ADR Systems is well-equipped to help clients reach a mediated settlement.

“When nearly 91% of our mediated cases are settled, we know we’ve done our job,” said Marc Becker, president of ADR Systems. “Our neutral panel has a wide breadth of knowledge and experience and is ready to help settle a variety of personal injury, commercial, and family law cases.”

When ADR Systems first opened its doors 25 years ago, mediation was a small part of the business, encompassing 20% of the cases scheduled. Today, more than 80% of disputes brought to ADR Systems are resolved through mediation.

Mediation is a party-driven, non-binding dispute resolution process. The parties select the mediator and agree upon the ground rules for the mediation. A mediator facilitates negotiations between parties to help them resolve their dispute. When the parties agree to settle their dispute, it is documented in a settlement agreement and signed by all parties. That agreement is enforceable in court.

Mediation can also be a binding process. In binding mediation, if parties are unable to reach agreement through mediation, the mediator will make a decision that binds the parties.

To learn more about our mediation services or to schedule your next case with ADR Systems, visit the mediation section of our website.

Judge Burke successfully mediated a complicated case with little chance of being resolved.  He read every word of the parties' submissions, asked astute questions, and worked hard to find a path to resolution.  Judge Burke communicated with the parties themselves - so that they felt they were important participants in working toward resolution. The case I thought was never going to settle, settled.

Robert W. Smyth, Jr., Esq.Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth