ADR Systems Debuts Mediation: What To Expect

ADR Systems


In celebration of National Mediation Week, ADR Systems is pleased to introduce Mediation: What to Expect, a new brochure for attorneys who want an easier way to explain the mediation process to their clients.

This comprehensive guide will help you walk your clients through every step of the mediation process.

Click here to view a digital version of the brochure.  To request a hard copy, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.™

”I recently drafted my first contract using an ADR Systems arbitration clause. The administrative fees at ADR Systems are a tiny fraction of what they are at other arbitration providers. Additionally, I like that ADR Systems offers fast track commercial arbitrations, and their panel is made up of former judges that litigators trust. I hope my transactional connections start including clause language from ADR Systems in their contracts!”

Alexander Loftus, Esq., PartnerLoftus & Eisenberg, Ltd.