ADR Systems Opens Dates for Maintenance Mediation in Family Law

ADR Systems


As family law attorneys know, starting January 1, 2019, all judgments and marital settlement agreements will be subject to a new tax code — the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017.  Many couples contemplating dissolution will want to finalize their divorce before the end of the year due to tax implications.  To help parties schedule family law matters quickly, ADR Systems is reserving time during the next few months for mediation or arbitration of pre-decree cases involving maintenance.

From the beginning, ADR Systems has responded to the special needs of attorneys and their clients.  Given the inevitable push to mediate or arbitrate cases involving maintenance before the end of the year, ADR Systems will ensure that parties can get in and get it settled.

“Whether it takes an hour, four hours or several days, ADR Systems will allot time for these urgent mediation sessions,” said Hon. Helaine L. Berger, (Ret.), senior family law mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems. “Mediation of maintenance or other issues in family law cases can also be scheduled before or after normal business hours and on the weekend to accommodate the parties,” she added.

For more information regarding maintenance mediation or arbitration, contact us here.

Judge Berger served as a judge in Cook County’s Domestic Relations Division for 19 years. She has been active in the legal community, including being Chair of the CBA’s Professional Fees and Civil Practice Committees as well as President of the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois.  She is now a mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems where she concentrates in family law. Judge Berger is flexible and creative in her approach to mediation and has helped ADR Systems launch an innovative fast track mediation program for family law cases.

To view Judge Berger’s full bio, click here.

To check Judge Berger’s availability, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

"Judge Axelrood worked magic for both sides and was able to achieve a settlement in our matter. I can’t say enough about his skills, demeanor and persistence in bringing the parties together."

Robert L. Fogel, Esq.Fogel Law Offices