ADR Systems, It's Settled.™ - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


This year, ADR Systems is celebrating its 20th Anniversary! To commemorate the occasion, we have adopted a new logo, redesigned our website and streamlined internal processes to more efficiently serve our clients. In addition, we have changed our tag line to better reflect our mission and our expanding services. Beginning with See you out of court® when ADR Systems first opened its doors, to It’s easier to see eye to eye when you’re sitting face to face,® ADR Systems continues to evolve to better meet client needs. Today, we use It’s Settled. as our tag line to explain what we do best — demonstrating that no matter what the dispute, ADR Systems will help you get it resolved.

We are grateful for this opportunity to share our exciting news with you, and we will continue to provide the best in dispute resolution services.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.


I was very satisfied with ADR Systems' service, and I will be happy to recommend them to colleagues.

Chris Doscotch, Esq.Law Office of Chris Doscotch, LLC