Commercial Settlement Report: July 2024 - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


ADR Systems has released its Commercial Settlement Report for July, which features a sample of complex commercial cases settled by our mediators in the previous month.

All cases mentioned in the Commercial Settlement Report remain confidential. Only a brief description of the case, practice area and neutral involved will be mentioned. Besides case information, the report provides easy access to information about our neutrals. You can download the settlement report and click on a neutral’s photo to read their biography.

To learn more about our neutrals, click here.

To download a PDF of ADR Systems’ Commercial Settlement Report for July, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled. ®

”I recently drafted my first contract using an ADR Systems arbitration clause. The administrative fees at ADR Systems are a tiny fraction of what they are at other arbitration providers. Additionally, I like that ADR Systems offers fast track commercial arbitrations, and their panel is made up of former judges that litigators trust. I hope my transactional connections start including clause language from ADR Systems in their contracts!”

Alexander Loftus, Esq., PartnerLoftus & Eisenberg, Ltd.