Judge Berger Presented on Lawyer Assisted Mediation at AAML Seminar

ADR Systems


Hon. Helaine L. Berger, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, participated in a panel on the merits of lawyer assisted mediations at the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) Annual Columbus Day Seminar for Experienced Matrimonial Lawyers.

The presentation, titled “Lawyer Assisted Mediation – It Does Work…Just Not Always,” focused on alternative dispute resolution as it relates to family law cases. Judge Berger said she was “humbled” to speak to more than 400 attorneys in attendance.

“Lawyers want to know how to give their clients the absolute best service they can in the mediation arena,” Judge Berger said. “I was able to educate attorneys about both the cost savings of mediation, its flexibility and how it can assist clients in controlling the outcome of their dispute.”

Judge Berger spoke on the panel alongside several other Illinois retired judges and mediators. The panel was moderated by Alan Toback, co-founding partner of Lake Toback Didomenico.

The seminar was presented by the Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education (IICLE). It was from 3:00pm – 4:00pm on Monday, October 8th, at The Hyatt Lodge in Oak Brook, Ill. The panel was approved for one hour of professional responsibility Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit.

For more information on the seminar, click here.

Before coming to ADR Systems, Judge Berger served for 19 years as a judge in the Cook County Circuit Court’s Domestic Relations Division and the Child Protection and Juvenile Justice Department. Her high settlement rate is a testament to her innate ability to very quickly relate to people personally, even in the most difficult and emotionally charged situations.

To view Judge Berger’s full bio, click here.

To check Judges Berger’s availability, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

Excellent set up, neutrals and administration.  Judge Ward is one of the best mediators I have ever worked with in over 80 mediations.

Craig Hoffman, Esq.Ruberry, Stalmack & Garvey, LLC