Judge Burke Settles $11 Million Medical Malpractice Case

ADR Systems


Hon. Dennis J. Burke, (Ret.) settled an $11 million medical malpractice case involving a catastrophic injury to an infant. Judge Burke is a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, where he specializes in the settlement of medical malpractice cases.  As a mediator, Judge Burke has successfully settled more than 100 medical malpractice cases.

This case involved a hypoxic brain injury at birth. “Cases like these are difficult due to the tremendous tragedy involved,” said Judge Burke. “The mediation must be handled with the utmost care for all the parties.”

He added, “We were able to reach a sufficient settlement — thanks in part to excellent lawyers and claims professionals — that would allow for the care of the child for life.”

Judge Burke has expertise in both commercial and personal injury matters. Following a 23-year legal career, he spent 15 years in the Cook County Circuit Court Law Division. An early advocate of alternative dispute resolution, Judge Burke created a program to mediate complicated discovery disputes – a program that is still used in the Circuit Court today. Judge Burke is well known for his keen ability to build trusting relationships with all parties.

For Judge Burke’s full bio, click here.

For Judge Burke’s availability, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

Judge Burke successfully mediated a complicated case with little chance of being resolved.  He read every word of the parties' submissions, asked astute questions, and worked hard to find a path to resolution.  Judge Burke communicated with the parties themselves - so that they felt they were important participants in working toward resolution. The case I thought was never going to settle, settled.

Robert W. Smyth, Jr., Esq.Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth