Judge Curcio to Present on Mechanics Lien Claims at CBA Seminar - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. Lisa R. Curcio, (Ret.) will present at the Chicago Bar Association’s (CBA) Mechanics Liens and Construction Claims seminar on Thursday, March 28th.

The presentation, titled “Effective Resolution of Mechanics Lien Claims,” will be from 4:00pm – 4:45pm. It will examine how mediation can help serve clients with mechanics lien claims.

“Mechanics lien cases often involve many parties in complex construction disputes, resulting in expensive and frustrating litigation,” Judge Curcio said. “Mediation can be a cost-effective means of resolving all claims. Even if all claims cannot be resolved, the process usually helps parties narrow down the issues and focus their case to manage litigation process — lowering costs and helping the parties move more expeditiously through litigation.”

Judge Curcio hopes to show attendees that mediation is a satisfactory way for all parties to resolve mechanics lien claims outside of the courtroom.

“Clients are seldom happy with the litigation process,” Judge Curcio said. “Although the client who settles their case usually accepts less than they want or pays more than they think is owed, that client is almost always happier in the long run with the case that is settled with mediation than with the case that goes to trial.”

The seminar is from 8:45am – 4:45pm at 321 South Plymouth Court and is approved for six hours of Illinois MCLE credit. The seminar will be moderated by Matthew J. Gardner, chair of the CBA Real Property Law-Construction Law and Mechanics Lien Subcommittee.

More Information on CBA Mechanics Liens and Construction Claims seminar

Judge Curcio is a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems. She has more than 15 years of judicial experience, 11 of which were in the Chancery Division of the Cook County Circuit Court. In her last seven years on the bench, she focused on mechanics lien and construction contracts and defects. Her skills as a neutral are complimented by her knowledge of real estate transactions, business and the banking industry – all gained prior to becoming an attorney.

View Judge Curcio’s full bio

View Judge Curcio’s availability

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

In an automobile accident case involving a severe injury, Judge Callahan kept both sides negotiating even when it appeared we were going to be over six figures apart at the end. His insights and guidance were instrumental in getting both sides to a dollar figure that ultimately settled the case. I am confident that we could not have achieved that settlement without Judge Callahan’s superb efforts.    

David Rosemeyer, Esq.Tucker Merker, LLC