Judge Haddad Presents on Responses to Anti-Minority Prejudices at CBA DICE Panel - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. William J. Haddad, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, presented in part one of a two-part series focused on hate and hate crimes entitled, “Commentary and Conversation: Hate and What You Can Do About It.” The first session focused on local anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, and anti-LGBTQ+ hatred with leaders from area civil rights organizations. He was joined by panelists David Goldenberg, Midwest Regional Director, Anti-Defamation League, and Brian C. Johnson, CEO, Equality Illinois. The panel was moderated by Justice Michael B. Hyman, Illinois Appellate Court.

The discussion was sponsored by the Chicago Bar Association (CBA)’s Diversity, Inclusion, Culture, Equity and Engagement Program (DICE) in partnership with the CBA Record and Young Lawyers Association. DICE is a new CBA program seeking to educate and equip lawyers to individually address and challenge anti-minority attitudes and sentiments. DICE believes that preventing hate begins with awareness, acknowledgment, and, ultimately, self-reflection. Judge Haddad has contributed to these efforts by working with the Arab American Bar Association to craft legal education seminars at Chicago law schools regarding hate speech, violence and the rule of law.

Prior to joining ADR Systems as a mediator and arbitrator, Judge Haddad led a civil litigation firm for 18 years and served as a company president before spending 10 years as a Law Division judge in the Circuit Court of Cook County.  His broad background allows him to resolve a wide array of commercial and personal injury disputes. Judge Haddad is very active in the Chicago legal and business community, has received numerous awards for his service and was the founding president of the Arab American Bar Association.

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ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

We were pleased with the outcome of our settlement, and with the efforts put forth by Judge Bronstein.  It was a marathon session, but Judge Bronstein worked with both clients and urged us to be patient until there was sufficient movement towards settlement.  Thanks to Judge Bronstein and ADR Systems.

Steven Gleason, Esq.Nilson, Stookal, Gleason & Caputo