Judge Haddad Settles $8.5 Million Ankle Injury Case - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. William J. Haddad, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently settled a $8.5 million severe ankle injury case.

The injury was caused from a fall from a truck, causing a bilateral pylon fracture in both ankles and resulting in several surgeries.

“My approach in catastrophic injury cases is to gain the trust of the plaintiff while also reassuring the insurance adjustor that their side of the case will be represented in these mediations,” said Judge Haddad. “This way, both parties understand that I understand.”

The plaintiff, a 58-year-old married truck driver with grandchildren, was injured when he slipped and fell off a flatbed truck. He was tasked with manually putting tarp over the flatbed truck because the automatic tarping mechanism — normally a mandatory resource for this task — was allegedly out of order.

“The key to this settling this dispute was me acting as a conduit to make sure both sides felt their arguments were represented as we worked through a key issue of contention,” said Judge Haddad.

Judge Haddad is a highly regarded senior mediator and arbitrator with ADR Systems. He brings his vast business experience, legal knowledge and gregarious personality to all his mediations and arbitrations. He is a frequent presenter on legal topics and takes an active role in the community. As a lawyer, former judge and successful businessman, Judge Haddad brings insight and expertise to the resolution process.

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Judge Burke put forth extraordinary effort to settle.  He was extremely well prepared and spent a great deal of time working with each party toward a compromise.  Thanks to Judge Burke's follow-up efforts, post-mediation was disposed of by compromise.  My client was extremely impressed with the preparation, effort and atmosphere established by Judge Burke.

Rudolf G. Schade, Jr., Esq.Partner, Cassiday Schade LLP