Judge Haddad to Present Virtual CLE on COVID-19-related Insurance Claims - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. William J. Haddad, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, will moderate and present a virtual CLE for the Arab-American Bar Association and the Arab-American Business Association regarding insurance claims emanating from the Covid-19 crisis and insurance claims for property losses from the recent civil lootings and arson.

The presentation is scheduled for July 8, 2020 at 5pm.  Judge Haddad will be joined by attorneys Edward Eshoo, Esq., Merlin Law Group, and Emil Totonchi, Esq., Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service.  Together, they will discuss mediation of state and federal commercial claims and transactions and will cover the bringing of such claims with insurers and lawsuits.

Hon. William Haddad, (Ret.) has spent decades practicing law.  Judge Haddad led a civil litigation firm for 18 years and served as a company president before spending 10 years as a Law Division judge in the Cook County Circuit Court.   His broad background allows Judge Haddad to resolve a wide array of commercial and personal injury disputes.  Judge Haddad is very active in the Chicago legal and business community and has received numerous awards for his service

View Judge Haddad’s full bio

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ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®


I want to express our firm’s appreciation to ADR Systems for providing us with an outstanding CLE program.  I received numerous positive comments from our partners; everyone thought that the Hon. F. Keith Brown and Stuart A. Nudelman provided us with useful and interesting insights.  I think that our Chicago partners (and anyone else who might do a mediation in Chicago) would be delighted with any of them as a mediator or arbitrator.

Alan Becker, Managing PartnerLitchfield Cavo LLP