Judge Panter Provides Mediation Tips at AIG Presentation - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. Michael R. Panter (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, presented a seminar titled “Tips for an Effective Mediation” to AIG Insurance attorneys on Thursday, October 4th.

“The AIG attorneys are committed to reaching fair and efficient resolution of their cases,” Judge Panter said. “They are open to hearing ideas and new thoughts on how to achieve those goals. This presentation allowed them to participate in a candid discussion about mediation.”

At the presentation, Judge Panter discussed several tips to increase success at mediation, including mediation preparation, setting expectations and studying both sides of the case. He also focused on keeping an open relationship with the mediator and being open to suggestions.

“Tell the mediator what you want, but also be open to his or her suggestions on how to proceed – leave with an open line of communication,” he said. “Don’t be afraid of new ideas and approaches. Continue to invite presentations on mediation which will generate thoughtful discussion and continued thinking on case valuation and handling, as well as the process of case resolution.”

Judge Panter’s next presentation will be at the American Bar Association’s (ABA) 16th Annual Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Skills Institute from October 25 – 26.

Judge Panter is a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems. He is known for his thorough and intelligent approach to settlements and the boundless energy he brings to the dispute resolution process. Judge Panter has more than 30 years of legal experience and brings a unique and empathic approach to counsel and their clients. He has mediated a wide variety of commercial and personal injury cases.

To read Judge Panter’s full bio, click here.

To view Judge Panter’s availability, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

I was quite pleased with the facilities of ADR Systems and the pre-session service.  Expect me back.

Robert Slobig, Esq.Senior Partner, Torshen, Slobig, Genden, Dragutinovich & Axel, Ltd.