Judicial Performance Evaluations Aim to Help Judges Improve - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. Mitchell L. Hoffman, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently published an article with the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. His article, Judicial Performance Evaluations Aim to Help Judges Improve, explores his experience as a judicial performance evaluation facilitator and the important contribution attorneys make to the review process.

“I think the most important takeaway for attorneys reading this article is that they should trust that the evaluated judges take the process very seriously,” wrote Judge Hoffman. “Although I’ve seen a wide array of responses to the evaluations from different judges, I can honestly say that judges take the results very seriously and that most of them benefit from the process and develop concrete plans for improving their performance.”

In the print edition of the article and in the PDF of it below, the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin editors titled the article differently: Confidential Evaluations Aim to Help Judges Improve.

To download and read Judge Hoffman’s article, click here. Chicago Daily Law Bulletin subscribers can also read the article online here.


Hon. Mitchell L. Hoffman, (Ret.) has cultivated over 38 years of experience as a legal practitioner, having spent 21 of those years as a judge and 17 as an attorney. On the bench, he handled both Chancery and Law Division calls, settling many commercial and personal injury cases. Judge Hoffman is known for his detailed case preparation and analysis. He is fair and even-tempered and provides a calming influence during mediations.

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My mediation at ADR Systems proved to be extremely successful, thanks to the professionalism of our mediator.  Judge Kelley adeptly settled a very complex case involving serious injuries.  His patience, knowledge of the case, and considerate treatment of the parties involved all contributed to reaching a settlement that both sides found acceptable.  Kudos to Judge Kelley and ADR Systems for an experience I hope soon to repeat.

Thomas P Cernek, Esq.Law Offices of Thomas P. Cernek & Associates