Mediation Week 2014 – Reasons to Become a Mediator

ADR Systems


Today for ABA Mediation Week 2014, we asked a few of our neutrals, “Why did you become a mediator?” Their answers highlight how being on the bench, and experiencing the time and emotional cost that litigation can take on all the parties involved, grew their appreciation for mediation.

Hon. Philip Bronstein, (Ret.) answered that, in his 19 years as a judge, his best days were when he was finally able to bring matters to an end.  However, according to the Judge, most of his time was preoccupied with obstacles and skirmishes on the road to resolution.  Mediation on the other hand gets parties to the table for the sole purpose of reaching a settlement, perhaps even in that same day.  As a mediator, Judge Bronstein is able to experience everyday what were once scarce moments of fulfillment as a judge.

Hon. James Sullivan, (Ret.) answered that, as a mediator, he gets a certain sense of pride from knowing that parties involved in a dispute can have their points of view fully heard in mediation.  According to the Judge, one side of a dispute may feel at a disadvantage if they were not able to give their entire story in court, and the verdict is not rendered in their favor.  In mediation, parties can fully express themselves and feel as though they have been heard – something that is perhaps just as meaningful to some parties as getting to settlement.

For Judge Bronstein’s bio, please click here.

For Judge Sullivan’s bio, please click here.

To learn more about Mediation Week, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.

Our mediation using videoconferencing was convenient and effective – we settled! Judge Casciato gained the party's trust and confidence while deftly guiding us through the negotiation process via a videoconference.  With the use of virtual breakout rooms, Judge Casciato was able to spend private time with everyone.  This remote mediation worked well for us and I would not hesitate to use it again.  

Carl Salvato, PartnerSalvato, O'Toole & Froylan