Nudelman Settles City of Dixon Embezzlement Case

ADR Systems


ADR Systems of America, LLC congratulates Judge Stuart A. Nudelman, (Ret.) for his settlement of the Dixon comptroller embezzlement case, featured in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin on September 27, 2013. After comptroller Rita Crundwell was indicted and sentenced to 19 years in prison for embezzling $53 million dollars from the city of Dixon, Illinois, Dixon officials filed a lawsuit in Lee County Circuit Court, alleging that a bank where Crundwell deposited the money, and accounting firms that audited the city’s books were negligent in failing to uncover the embezzlement. After a single day mediation session lasting 17.5 hours, Judge Nudelman brought all parties to agreement, and the case was settled for $40 million. Read more here .

Judge Nudelman also recently resolved a multi-million dollar wrongful death case with Commonwealth Edison and a contractor on behalf of a man fatally electrocuted by overhead power lines; as well as a multi-district litigation involving 430 cases of tainted pharmaceuticals ending with several multi-million dollar settlements; and a case of chemical poisoning that involved three plaintiffs and settled for $12 million. See the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin article about the wrongful death case here.

Judge Nudelman is a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems. His areas of expertise include business and commercial disputes, construction and professional malpractice, employment, and insurance matters. Judge Nudelman has mediated and arbitrated cases all over the country.

For Judge Nudelman’s bio, click here.

We were very pleased with the efficiency of ADR Systems.

Karen Hale, Esq.Abbott Laboratories Legal Division