Retired Judge Brings Decades of Experience to ADR Systems - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


ADR Systems is delighted to announce Hon. Thomas R. Allen, (Ret.) has joined our panel of senior mediators and arbitrators. Judge Allen has 40 years of legal experience, having served most of his judicial career in the Circuit Court of Cook County’s Chancery Division.

“My long tenure as a litigator and a judge has put the love to resolve disputes in my blood, especially when parties are just treading water or a case is at a stand-still,” Judge Allen said. “There sometimes comes a point where there is not much being accomplished on either side other than spending money, and the clients are suffering as a result – there’s not a trial or end in sight. I want to be an alternative for them.”

While in Chancery, Judge Allen conducted hundreds of pretrial conferences. He stood out as an exceptionally intelligent and even-tempered jurist. His colleagues described him as pragmatic and fair, with a great sense of humor.

“I have a good ear, and I have a lot of compassion and respect for people’s problems,” Judge Allen said. “I’ve had a broad career in different professions and practiced law in many areas. I have seen a lot. Those experiences have given me a window into seeing why people need to tell their story to a jury, judge, mediator or arbitrator. It’s my job to listen and help them resolve their disputes.”

Judge Allen brings a tremendous depth of experience to his mediation and arbitration practice having worked as a litigator for more than 30 years before becoming a judge.

“Judge Allen is an expert at resolving commercial and business-related disputes outside the courtroom,” said Marc Becker, president of ADR Systems. “His background and experience provide an excellent foundation to build his practice as a senior mediator and arbitrator, and I look forward to seeing his impact on the legal community for years to come.”

View Judge Allen’s full bio

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ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

I direct all of my attorneys to explore ADR on their files.

David Petrich, Esq.Senior Partner, Sandman, Levy & Petrich