Scare ‘Em or Spare ‘Em: Judge Panter to Moderate ABA TIPS Panel - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. Michael R. Panter, (Ret.) will moderate a panel presentation on aggressive pleadings at the American Bar Association’s Tort Trial and Insurance Practice (TIPS) Annual Meeting from 1:30pm – 3:00pm on August 2nd.

The presentation, titled “Scare ‘Em or Spare ‘Em? How Aggressive Should We Get in Pleadings?” will look at the use of pleadings in setting up discovery, trial and settlement opportunities. It will also examine the ethical implications of aggressive pleadings and boundaries of client representation.

“I get the pleasure of hearing five top lawyers given their views on modern litigation, specifically related to pleadings,” Judge Panter said. “Early common law was all about what could be pled. Today, we tend to think less about pleadings and motions. Why do they matter and how should they be used? What’s too much and what’s not enough? I’m looking forward to an enthusiastic discussion.”

The panel includes Anne L. Blume, managing partner at Cozen O’Connor; Philip L. Harris, vice president and general counsel at Northwestern University; Matthew A. Moeller, The Moeller Firm, LLC; David L. Pardue, partner at Owen, Gleaton, Egan, Jones & Sweeney, LLP; and Michael J. Weber, partner at Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP.

Judge Panter is a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems. He is known for his thorough and intelligent approach to settlements and the boundless energy he brings to the dispute resolution process. Judge Panter has more than 30 years of legal experience and brings a unique and empathic approach to counsel and their clients. He has mediated a wide variety of commercial and personal injury cases.

To read Judge Panter’s full bio, click here.

To view Judge Panter’s availability, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

I was quite pleased with the facilities of ADR Systems and the pre-session service.  Expect me back.

Robert Slobig, Esq.Senior Partner, Torshen, Slobig, Genden, Dragutinovich & Axel, Ltd.