Submissions Department Aids Efficient Resolution of Disputes - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Much of the work involved in finding a resolution to a dispute occurs before the parties even step into a room together. For example, quality submissions, which can include exhibits, documents, and case history, help mediators understand the case and guide the parties toward settlement, while arbitration submissions assist arbitrators in reaching a decision. For tips on writing submissions, be sure to check out “Producing a Submission for Mediation with Your Neutral in Mind.”

The submissions received at ADR Systems can be large, substantive files. Collecting and organizing these files would be an enormous task for a neutral to undertake alone; however, a neutral’s job is made significantly easier by the submissions department at ADR Systems. This dedicated team plays a crucial role in ensuring that the dispute resolution process runs smoothly and efficiently by managing the submission materials for parties on hundreds of cases every month. How do they do it and what difference does it make to the neutrals and the dispute resolution process as a whole? Find out in this article.

Submissions Department Role

The submissions department is responsible for the collection, delivery, and maintenance of submissions material for every case that comes before our neutrals. They communicate clear deadlines to the parties and offer multiple ways to send submissions, whether as physical or digital copies. This flexibility is essential to accommodating the varying needs and preferences of our clients.

Furthermore, they track all documents sent to us for cases, protecting confidentiality, delivering submissions to neutrals in a timely manner and properly disposing of submissions in accordance with HIPPA privacy and security rules. They also transmit documents to the neutral during preparation time whenever a neutral requests a file, demonstrating their commitment to supporting the neutral’s requests.

Submissions Department’s Impact on Alternative Dispute Resolution

This division of labor is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and effectiveness of the dispute resolution process. The neutral can engage deeply with the case details without being bogged down by the administrative tasks associated with document management leading up to a mediation or arbitration.

Hon. Edward S. Harmening, (Ret.) senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, knows well how helpful this is to preparation for a case. “The submissions department’s expert coordination of submissions in a timely manner allows me to focus my attention entirely on resolving disputes,” said Judge Harmening. “They ensure that I have the case information I need for mediations and arbitrations, which helps to achieve more satisfying outcomes for all parties involved.”

The ADR Systems Difference

Regardless of the form resolution takes, ADR Systems stands steadily upon the foundation of our brand promise: to provide exceptional client service and unparalleled client experience.

The submissions department plays an indispensable role in upholding this promise. Their meticulous management of documents supports our neutrals as they prepare for cases. This synergy between administrative excellence and expert mediation and arbitration services is what sets ADR Systems apart and keeps our clients coming back.


Hon. Edward S. Harmening, (Ret.) brings integrity, a drive for excellence and a balanced perspective to his practice as a senior mediator and arbitrator. In pretrial conferences, he settled hundreds of cases by cultivating respectful and pragmatic negotiations with both sides. Judge Harmening is experienced at resolving personal injury actions such as medical malpractice, product liability, mass torts and nursing home cases, as well as commercial disputes such as construction, legal malpractice, insurance coverage and employment. Attorneys who appeared before Judge Harmening in the Circuit Court of Cook County describe him as perpetually prepared, open-minded, always seeking to understand both sides and patient.

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ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

I appreciated the professional and courteous treatment we received at ADR Systems.  We could not have been more pleased with the staff and the facilities.  Kudos to ADR Systems for providing a valuable service.

Keith Aeschliman, Esq.Assistant State's Attorney, Civil Division - Will County, Illinois