Tri-panel Arbitration: A Time When Three Heads Can Be Better Than One - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


In tri-panel arbitrations, there are two party arbitrators and a neutral arbitrator. Like a jury, the three arbitrators are required to deliberate and act together, and this gives a good likelihood of a fair result.

Last summer, Hon. Michael R. Panter, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, wrote an article about tri-panel arbitrations for the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin titled “Tri-panel arbitration: A time when three heads can be better than one.”

“A kind of surprising thing happens when party-appointed arbitrators walk into the hearing room,” Judge Panter wrote. “Although they have been appointed by friends or even co-workers and although they have ongoing relationships with the lawyers who appointed them, and although they definitely know they are expected to advocate for “the one who brung them,” once they get into the room those feelings usually change.”

Read the full article here.

This method of dispute resolution is especially advantageous for UM&UIM matters required to go to arbitration. Learn more about ADR Systems’ Uninsured Motorist & Underinsured Motorist (UM&UIM) Tri-Panel Arbitration Program

Judge Panter is known for his thorough and intelligent approach to settlements and the boundless energy he brings to the dispute resolution process. Judge Panter has more than 30 years of legal experience and brings a unique and empathic approach to counsel and their clients. He has mediated a wide variety of commercial and personal injury cases.

Read Judge Panter’s full bio

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ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

With Judge Ward's assistance, we were able to obtain an amicable resolution of the case.  Just as when he was sitting on the bench, Judge Ward showed understanding, temperance and intelligence in addressing the issues.  Settlement was fair and adequate the nature and extent of injury.  I would not hesitate to use ADR Systems’ assistance in the future.

Ronald J. Gold, Esq.Law Office of Baltazar Mendoza