ADR Systems Debuts Mini Mediation Brochure - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


In celebration of National Mediation Week, ADR Systems is pleased to announce a miniature version of the brochure Mediation: What to Expect. This guide provides attorneys an easier way to explain mediation to their clients.

The smaller brochure details the basics of mediation, the role of the mediator and outlines what happens before, during and after the mediation. This comprehensive guide walks clients through every step of the mediation process.

Click here to view a digital version of the brochure.

To request a hard copy, click here.

ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

Judge Burke successfully mediated a complicated case with little chance of being resolved.  He read every word of the parties' submissions, asked astute questions, and worked hard to find a path to resolution.  Judge Burke communicated with the parties themselves - so that they felt they were important participants in working toward resolution. The case I thought was never going to settle, settled.

Robert W. Smyth, Jr., Esq.Donohue Brown Mathewson & Smyth