Casciato Speaks at ABA Young Lawyers Teleconference

ADR Systems


Hon. Joseph N. Casciato (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator with ADR Systems, will be a featured speaker in the ABA Young Lawyers Division Teleconference, entitled “Improving Your Effectiveness in Mediation,” on Friday, May 3, 2013.

For Judge Casciato’s bio, click here.

Effective dispute resolution is becoming increasingly important no matter the size of your firm or the type of law you practice. This program will feature a panel discussion regarding practical tips and advice for handling mediation. The panel will also discuss the real world issues of diversity and inclusion, including generational and gender biases.

The program is open to YLD members, who may register for the program here.

Judge Casciato was very effective in our remote Zoom mediation.  It was a complicated case and involved multiple parties.  The videoconference worked well, and the Judge was instrumental in bringing the parties to a successful resolution.

Daniel Babetch, PartnerMeagher & Geer, P.L.L.P.