Haddad Speaks about Electronic Evidence at WSBA

ADR Systems


Hon. William Haddad, (Ret.) will be presenting a CLE at the West Suburban Bar Association on October 5, 2013. The topic will be electronic evidence and e-discovery, and will feature an article written by Judge Haddad: an ‘Update on Presenting Electronic Evidence.’

Judge Haddad is a senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems. His areas of expertise include medical malpractice, insurance coverage, and premises liability as well as intellectual property and other commercial matters.

For Judge Haddad’s bio, please click here.

Faced with challenging nearly impossible dynamics,  including an uninsured,  potentially bankrupt and recalcitrant defendant, Judge Brown demonstrated a different facet, counselling litigants to see the positive side of compromising beyond their comfort zone to find catharsis in closure.

James H. Lawlor, III, Esq.Shea Law Group