Judge Curcio Admitted to Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Hon. Lisa R. Curcio, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, was admitted to the Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys (SOICA).

Admission to SOICA is by invitation only. This prestigious organization encourages “the association of outstanding Illinois lawyers who are distinguished for their skill, experience and professional conduct in the practicing or teaching of construction law, who are dedicated to excellence in the practice of construction law and who subscribe to the goals and ideals of the Society,” according to the SOICA website.

“It is an honor to be invited to become a member of SOICA,” said Judge Curcio. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to learn from and work with these preeminent attorneys in Illinois construction law.”

Judge Curcio has more than 15 years of judicial experience, 11 of which were in the Chancery Division of the Cook County Circuit Court. Her work during the last eight years on the bench focused on claims and disputes arising out of construction contracts including mechanics liens. Her skills as a neutral are complemented by her experience in real estate transactions, business and the banking industry – all gained prior to becoming an attorney.

View Judge Curcio’s full bio

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ADR Systems, It’s Settled.®

Our ADR Systems’ neutral had a terrific demeanor and made my client feel very comfortable.  He took time to thoroughly prepare, coming to the table with a clear understanding of the case. He offered insightful advice that kept negotiations from reaching a standstill.

Jeffrey E. Martin, Esq.Law Offices of Jeffrey E. Martin, LLC