Race Judicata 2014 - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


ADR Systems is pleased to announce that Race Judicata 2014 was a success!  The ADR Systems team sported the all-new ADR Systems’ logo on their t-shirts.  ADR Systems also had its own tent at the event for the first time, allowing us to proudly showcase the new ADR Systems brand on our banner and branded bottles of water!  All attending members of the ADR Systems team participated in the 5K, and more importantly, had a blast!  Check out some fun pictures of the ADR Systems staff at this year’s Race Judicata below.

This year marked not only ADR Systems 20th Anniversary and new brand, but it also marked the 20th Anniversary of Race Judicata.  For more information on Race Judicata, please visit the CVLS website here.


Admin RJ

”I recently drafted my first contract using an ADR Systems arbitration clause. The administrative fees at ADR Systems are a tiny fraction of what they are at other arbitration providers. Additionally, I like that ADR Systems offers fast track commercial arbitrations, and their panel is made up of former judges that litigators trust. I hope my transactional connections start including clause language from ADR Systems in their contracts!”

Alexander Loftus, Esq., PartnerLoftus & Eisenberg, Ltd.