Alternative Dispute Resolution News | ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Getting to Yes: The Do’s and Don’ts of Mediations

Getting to Yes: The Do’s and Don’ts of Mediations

July 18, 2012

Alex Goodrich conducts a frank discussion with an ADR Systems senior mediator and arbitrator and Plaintiff and Defense counsel. The article captures the details of this discussion and hits on topics such as the recent surge in growth and popularity of mediation as a means for settling disputed cases. Considering this trend, many professionals are changing the way that they manage their post-negotiation risk analysis. Calling on this panel of experts, Goodrich lays out what makes or breaks a successful mediation and how attorneys and their clients can most effectively utilize the mediation process.

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Parties Should Choose Their Best Mediator

June 26, 2012

This article, written by Irving Levinson, Esq., urges parties to carefully choose the neutral for any mediation. Levinson outlines which qualities parties should look for in a mediator depending on the type of dispute they are involved in, and how parties can find a mediator that is right for their dispute.

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Judge Nudelman was excellent.  Many times, attorneys on the case wanted to terminate the mediation, but Judge Nudelman kept us going until it was resolved.  Great job!!

Thomas J. Lyman, Esq.Partner, SmithAmundsen