BIPA Battles Continue to Play Out as Courts Weigh Class-Action Suits
April 4, 2024Hon. Thomas R. Allen, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently published an article in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
Read MoreHon. Thomas R. Allen, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently published an article in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
Read MoreMost cases at ADR Systems are either mediated entirely remotely or through a hybrid format, with some participants connecting into a session at our offices via videoconference.
Read MoreHon. Lorna E. Propes, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently served as a judge for the 23rd Annual International Law School Mediation Tournament hosted by the International Academy of Dispute Resolution and the Loyola University Chicago School of Law, her law school alma mater.
Read MoreADR Systems has released its Commercial Settlement Report for February, which features a sample of complex commercial cases settled by our mediators in the previous month.
Read MoreIt’s time for more women mediators and arbitrators: We made that declaration two years ago in the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois’ 2022 Spring Newsletter. Since then, the number of women mediators and arbitrators on our panel has doubled.
Read MoreWhile many of our dispute resolution sessions are conducted via videoconferencing, we continue to offer in-person sessions for the resolution of personal injury, commercial and family law disputes.
Read MoreADR Systems can help parties resolve mechanics lien and contract disputes valued at $100K or less at a lower cost through the Commercial Alternative Fee Program.
Read MoreADR Systems is thrilled to welcome Hon. Janet Adams Brosnahan, (Ret.) as the first new neutral to join our panel of senior mediators and arbitrators in 2024—and the thirteenth in the last two and a half years.
Read MoreADR Systems has released its Commercial Settlement Report for January, which features a sample of complex commercial cases settled by our mediators in the previous month.
Read MoreSome mandatory arbitration programs and dispute resolution providers appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators to adjudicate a dispute – sometimes one whose resume is not tailored to hearing a certain type of case.
Read MoreHon. Mitchell L. Hoffman, (Ret.) and Hon. Marguerite A. Quinn, (Ret.), senior mediators and arbitrators at ADR Systems, presented at the Illinois State Bar Association’s Civil Practice Update on how attorneys can make the most of their mediations earlier this year.
Read MoreMarc Becker, president and founder of ADR Systems, and Michael Koss, Business Development & Marketing Assistant Manager at ADR Systems, recently published an article in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin.
Read MoreHon. Marguerite A. Quinn, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently published an article in the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. Her article, Computer-Generated Evidence Can Improve Your Trial Game, explores how attorneys can strategically utilize computer-generated evidence as demonstrative evidence in jury trials.
Read MoreHon. Robert E. Senechalle, Jr., (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently presented alongside Richard Gleason, Esq., litigation counsel for the Illinois Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission, on the topics of ethics in mediation for the Chicago Bar Association’s Construction & Mechanics Lien Subcommittee.
Read MoreADR Systems has released its Commercial Settlement Report for December, which features a sample of complex commercial cases settled by our mediators in the previous month.
Read MoreI was very satisfied with ADR Systems' service, and I will be happy to recommend them to colleagues.
Chris Doscotch, Esq.Law Office of Chris Doscotch, LLC