Alternative Dispute Resolution News | ADR Systems

ADR Systems


ADR Systems’ 2023 Outlook: Your Solution Starts Here

ADR Systems’ 2023 Outlook: Your Solution Starts Here

December 29, 2022

This may be a new year, but many of you face the same dilemmas as before: stagnant negotiations, anxious clients and the challenges of litigating in the face of court backlogs. ADR Systems is your solution, helping you break through impasses, resolve your cases and bring closure to your clients.

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A Letter to Our Clients

A Letter to Our Clients

December 1, 2022

It is the time of year during which we reflect on the good in our lives. I am grateful for our growing panel of exceptional neutrals who work tirelessly to resolve every case, our dedicated staff who deliver unparalleled service and you – our many clients – who come to us for mediation, arbitration and […]

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Judge Brennan Serves as CBA Mock Trial Judge

Judge Brennan Serves as CBA Mock Trial Judge

June 14, 2022

Hon. Margaret A. Brennan, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator at ADR Systems, recently served as a mock trial judge for Project Law Track, a program presented by the Chicago Bar Association Alliance for Women and Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana to introduce girls to the legal profession as a prospective career path.

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Unique Program Prepares Cases for Success at Mediation

Unique Program Prepares Cases for Success at Mediation

June 3, 2022

In the successful Case Ambassador Program,  a mediator — who serves as case ambassador — and our case managers work with counsel before the mediation. They help parties identify and resolve behind-the-scenes issues, settlement inhibitors and other potential problems that may prevent settlement at mediation.

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I think I speak for everyone when I say that we could not have settled this case without the tremendous efforts of Judge Brown. He was so kind to my clients and he really helped them through this difficult process.  His thoughtful approach and his incredible tenacity really made the difference in this case. We were very lucky to have him as our mediator and we look forward to working with Judge Brown again very soon.

Adria East Mossing, PartnerMossing & Navarre, LLC