Why Use ADR Systems - ADR Systems

ADR Systems


Why do lawyers and their clients keep coming back to ADR Systems? It’s simple: ADR Systems successfully settles cases and resolves disputes.

For more than 25 years, ADR Systems has provided mediation, arbitration and other dispute resolution services. Headquartered in Chicago, the company provides both in-person and a variety of remote mediation and arbitration services.

While most of our dispute resolution sessions are held in the Chicago area, ADR Systems can arrange for a mediation or arbitration in other locations as well. Neutrals from ADR Systems have mediated and arbitrated cases in a variety of states from coast to coast. Counsel have often found ADR Systems’ Chicago office to be a convenient, central meeting point for parties from different cities. And the company offers many options for parties who are unable to do an in-person session, including telephonic, teleconferencing and videoconferencing.


Our panel of “neutrals” — retired judges and experienced attorneys who serve as mediators and arbitrators — are well-versed in a plethora of personal injury, commercial and family law matters.

Panel members are called neutrals because mediation and arbitration require exactly that: complete neutrality. It is the neutral’s responsibility to remain free from bias and non-partisan throughout the process. Neutrals at ADR Systems are independent contractors and remain that way throughout their tenure. They are not involved with the ownership, administration or management of the business. Neutrals work on each case independently without having a vested interest in the result. 

“One of the biggest benefits of our panel — outside of their expertise in a variety of legal matters — is that they are known to the legal community,” said Marc Becker, president and founder of ADR Systems. “Often, our new business arises from referrals: litigators use our neutrals and were impressed with their ability to get the case settled in mediation or run an efficient arbitration.  Attorneys can confidently recommend our neutrals, knowing they have the knowledge and experience to get the job done.”



Mediation is the most popular form of dispute resolution. It is a non-binding process in which a mediator facilitates negotiation between parties to help them settle their dispute. ADR Systems settles about 91% of its mediated cases. In the rare instance that a case does not settle in mediation with one of our neutrals, the neutral will follow up with the attorneys to continue the negotiation process.

“Just because the case is over doesn’t mean our job is finished,” said Hon. F. Keith Brown, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator. “Clients who come to ADR Systems know that the neutrals here are diligent. If a mediation does not settle, neutrals at ADR Systems will continue to communicate with counsel. Our goal is to get that case settled.”


ADR Systems also offers efficient arbitration services. Arbitration most frequently results from contractual language, although parties may also choose to arbitrate by agreement. Parties select an individual arbitrator, or a panel of three neutral arbitrators (non-party arbitrators), who will hear evidence and render a decision in the case. Arbitrations proceed according to the arbitration rules selected by the parties. Most arbitrations are final and binding; however, parties may choose to make the decision an advisory opinion.

Just like mediation, arbitration has tremendous potential to save time and money. “When an arbitration clause in a contract is well drafted, arbitration can be what it was always intended to be: a quick and less costly form of alternative dispute resolution,” said Hon. Lisa R. Curcio, (Ret.), senior mediator and arbitrator. “In addition, arbitration can be much more flexible than trial and the process can be modified by agreement of the parties.”

ADR Systems has administered thousands of arbitrations and takes pride in making the process as efficient as possible.

Additional Services

ADR Systems prides itself on providing clients with as many dispute resolution services as possible. Besides mediation and arbitration, ADR Systems also offers special master, mock trial, discovery master, early neutral evaluation, judicial review and many others.


ADR Systems provides full-service support to clients before, during and after their session. We offer consultation from experienced case managers and assistance from an excellent support staff.

Case managers add a personal touch to dispute resolution at ADR Systems “Case managers are more than just schedulers,” said Mary Nelson, senior vice president of the personal injury division. “We are here to provide the client with any recommendations that might help their case. This includes suggesting a certain neutral for a certain type of case or recommending one of the many dispute resolution processes we offer, such as tri-panel arbitration or last-minute mediation. Our programs are designed to provide as many options as possible.”

Other support offered by ADR Systems is a dedicated submissions department — a full-time unit designed to make the submission process painless and efficient.

“We have created a submissions department to assure that our neutrals will be prepared for every case,” said Becker. “To be prepared, mediators and arbitrators need timely submissions. We have developed a well-honed intake process that delivers submissions to our neutrals on time, which ensures they are ready to go on the date of the session.”


Remote Sessions

While we believe that in-person sessions are best, ADR Systems offers a variety of remote options for alternative dispute resolution at no additional cost to our clients. Our neutrals have settled numerous cases through each of these options. Our staff will work with the parties to find the best option for each specific case.

Click here to learn more about remote dispute resolution at ADR Systems.


ADR Systems has created a welcoming environment that encourages successful party-driven resolution.

Comfortable and serene, ADR Systems’ Chicago office is one of the largest dispute resolution facilities in the Midwest. The company can adapt to any case size or requirement, with large conference rooms and multiple breakout rooms available for every case. Located at 20 North Clark Street, in the heart of the legal community, ADR Systems’ headquarters is a convenient and central location.


Our concierge and support staff take care of lunch orders, stocking rooms, making copies, airline and hotel reservations and providing whatever assistance is needed at each session.

“We take care of the minute tasks so that the parties and the neutrals can focus on what really matters: their case,” said Becker.

Alternate Locations

ADR Systems can also provide access to facilities in the western suburbs and can conduct mediations and arbitrations throughout the United States upon request. Our neutrals are willing to travel to other cities and our staff will coordinate the details of any alternate location.

Let Us Resolve Your Next Dispute 

ADR Systems is fully equipped to provide you with everything you need, from our experienced panel of neutrals who will help resolve your dispute, to our full-time support staff who help to create a comfortable environment that allows you to focus on your case.

Schedule your next case with us at 312.960.2260, or you can easily contact us or submit a case through our website. Click here to submit a case.


Judge Burke mediated a settlement in a matter where the parties were extremely far apart, with almost no common ground.  He pushed both sides to rethink their positions, outlined a post-conference approach and made himself available on short notice.  I do not believe anyone else could have settled the matter.  He will be my first choice for future mediations.

Lisa M. Lilly, Esq.Lisa M. Lilly Law